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dc.contributor.authorButko, T.-
dc.contributor.authorProkhorchenko, A.-
dc.contributor.authorMuzykin, M.-
dc.identifier.citationButko T. Improved methods definitions schemes circulation locomotive / T. Butko, A. Prokhorchenko, M. Muzykin // Globalization of scientific and educational space. Innovations of transport. Problems, experience, prospects: theses of Іinternational scientific conference (3-12 May, 2017). – Severodonetsk: Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, 2017. – P. 43-44.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractTo increase competitiveness in the market of transit transportation, the JSC Ukrainian Railways needs to improve its strategic railway directions (international corridors) by using an acceleration technology in the traffic handling process for certain specialized railcar traffic. Under such conditions, traffic schemes for traction resources are built not in a general conjunction with all types of railcar traffic but for various specific railcartraffic groups. The analysis of the practices of independent shipping companies in the railways worldwide allows making a conclusion that when such companies can choose a route for their own railcar traffic in the network with the possibility of traction provided by locomotive depots of different types of ownership, this individual approach to the choice of traction supply for various railcar traffic under the condition of private traction and transportation rights will become increasingly used for traffic on the Ukrainian railways.uk_UA
dc.publisherVolodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National Universityuk_UA
dc.titleImproved methods definitions schemes circulation locomotiveuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:2017

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