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dc.contributor.authorGevorkyan, E. S.-
dc.contributor.authorNerubatskyi, V. P.-
dc.contributor.authorChyshkala, V. O.-
dc.contributor.authorMorozova, O. M.-
dc.identifier.citationCutting composite material based on nanopowders of aluminum oxide and tungsten monocarbide / E. S. Gevorkyan, V. P. Nerubatskyi, V. O. Chyshkala, O. M. Morozova // Modern engineering and innovative technologies. - 2021. - Issue №15, Part 2. - P. 6-14.uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn2567-5273 (online)-
dc.description.abstractThe articale investigated properties cutting tool material of ultrapowders Al2O3 - 50 wt. % WC which have got hot pressing method and the study of their properties. To obtain cutting inserts based on aluminum oxide and tungsten monocarbide with high functional capabilities, the phase components of the initial powders are selected and their homogenized during mixing, hot pressing with the selection of optimal sintering modes with the direct passage of a high-ampere current through a graphite mold. The sintering regime has a great influence on the final properties of the ceramic material. The optimum sintering temperature of ceramics depends on the dispersion of the original powder, the presence of impurities, additives and the duration of heating. It was found that in order to reduce fragility and obtain tool ceramics with high reliability, it is sometimes necessary to exclude even the smallest porosity caused by the ingress of dust from the air.uk_UA
dc.publisherSergeieva&Co Karlsruhe, Germanyuk_UA
dc.subjectcomposite materialuk_UA
dc.subjecttool ceramicsuk_UA
dc.subjecttungsten monocarbideuk_UA
dc.subjectsintering temperatureuk_UA
dc.subjecthot pressinguk_UA
dc.titleCutting composite material based on nanopowders of aluminum oxide and tungsten monocarbideuk_UA
Appears in Collections:2021

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