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Title: Increasing the efficiency of processing international cargo flows in the conditions of multimodal transportation
Authors: Shelekhan, H. I.
Havchuk, I. M.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Український державний університет залізничного транспорту
Citation: Shelekhan H. I. Increasing the efficiency of processing international cargo flows in the conditions of multimodal transportation / H. I. Shelekhan, I. M. Havchuk // Міжнародна транспортна інфраструктура, індустріальні центри та корпоративна логістика : матеріали дев’ятнадцятої наук.-практ. міжнар. конф. (1-2 червня 2023 р. м. Харків). - Харків : УкрДУЗТ, 2023. - С. 187-188.
Abstract: The analysis of the functioning of the near-port railway node proved that today the growth of international freight flows by railways of Ukraine in the conditions of multimodal transportation is accompanied by a decrease in the processing capacity of the near-port stations. This leads to the need for significant capital investments both in the infrastructure of the stations, and in the introduction of advanced technologies for the operation of facilities involved in the processes of processing train traffic at the stations.
Appears in Collections:Міжнародна транспортна інфраструктура, індустріальні центри та корпоративна логістика

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