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Title: Swot analysis of small business in Ukraine in wartime
Authors: Nazarenko, I. L.
Skrypnik, V. M
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Український державний університет залізничного транспорту
Citation: Nazarenko I. L. Swot analysis of small business in Ukraine in wartime / I. L. Nazarenko, V. M. Skrypnik // Міжнародна транспортна інфраструктура, індустріальні центри та корпоративна логістика : матеріали дев’ятнадцятої наук.-практ. міжнар. конф. (1-2 червня 2023 р. м. Харків). - Харків : УкрДУЗТ, 2023. - С. 405-407.
Abstract: The war in Ukraine has had a profound impact on the state of small businesses in the country. Small businesses, which are the backbone of the Ukrainian economy, have faced numerous challenges and struggles due to the ongoing conflict. One significant issue is the disruption of supply chains and logistics. The conflict has led to the closure of transportation routes and increased border restrictions, making it difficult for small businesses to import essential goods and materials. This has resulted in shortages, higher costs, and reduced competitiveness for many small enterprises. Moreover, the security situation has greatly affected small businesses. The risk of physical damage, looting, and extortion has forced many small businesses to close down or relocate to safer areas.
Appears in Collections:Міжнародна транспортна інфраструктура, індустріальні центри та корпоративна логістика

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