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Title: The influence of strength loads on the functional state of the respiratory system of students of conscript age (17-20 years old)
Authors: Grinko, Vitaliy
Dovzhenko, Svitlana
Dorosh, Mykola
Luchko, Olha
Keywords: respiratory system
strength loads
enlistment age
functional state
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: NGO «European Scientific Platform»
Citation: The influence of strength loads on the functional state of the respiratory system of students of conscript age (17-20 years old) / V. Grinko, S. Dovzhenko, M. Dorosh, O. Luchko // International scientific journal «Grail of Science». - 2023. -№ 26. - Р. 540-542.
Abstract: The development of basic physical qualities should be based on knowledge of the laws of the body’s development, the impact of physical exertion on the capabilities of functional systems, and ensure economical adaptation to various types of muscle activity. The principle of heterochrony development of the organism is the main provisions of age-related physiology, which allows to reasonably solving the task of physical education of conscript students. Conclusions. The process of formation of long-term adaptation to strength and speed-strength loads is provided by adjustments in the interaction of various systems and functions of the body, as well as physical load.
ISSN: 2710-3056
Appears in Collections:2023

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